Monday, November 13, 2006


It was a sad night in Washington. The streak ended as Jason Collins actually scored a basket against the Washington Wizards. Collins was off to a slow start this season, but he busted out for 2 points against the Wizards. It's been awhile since he scored and one cannot expect him to bounce back in their next game against Seattle considering he most likely celebrated all night long.

His final line: 17 minutes 3 rebounds 1 turnover 1 block 4 fouls 2 points

In addition to ending that famed scoreless streak, Collins also had his first block of the season. He's now garnering some defensive player of the year discussion within New Jersey. It was the fourth consecutive game Collins had less points than fouls, and he now has a 2:1 foul to point ratio. If like hockey with penalty minutes, fouls counted for fantasy basketball, Collins would be a legend.


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